Event & Webinar

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Så återstartar vi Europas marknad för batterieldrivna fordon

05 Jun 2024

Förstå effekterna av incitament, infrastruktur och regleringar på adoptionsgraden och marknadsutsikterna för de kommande åren, samt de kinesiska varumärkenas inverkan på den europeiska marknaden – Kom och diskutera framtiden...

Autovista24 webinar: Can vehicle-equipment strategies keep pace with automotive trends?

06 Oct 2022

As carmakers adjust to a more electrified, connected, and digitally-enabled automotive reality vehicle-equipment strategies are changing. Living costs are rapidly increasing in all European countries, affecting new-car prices....

Webinar on demand: How are residual values and new and used cars holding up in Switzerland?

21 Sep 2022

Paired with supply-chain disruptions and ongoing component shortages, the energy crisis and rising costs of living are impacting automotive markets across Europe. Even Switzerland – one of the...

Autovista24 Webinar: Europe’s light-commercial vehicle market – The road ahead for new and used vans

14 Jun 2022

Europe’s light-commercial vehicle (LCV) market was one of the few automotive sectors that weathered the COVID-19 pandemic, with steady sales and residual values comparable to pre-pandemic levels. But...

Autovista24 webinar: Delayed delivery of Europe’s electric-van market

14 Jun 2022

While much of the automotive industry stalled during COVID-19, the light-commercial vehicle (LCV) market developed at a pace. Demand for vans increased as shoppers turned to online retail...

Webinar on demand: Swiss automotive market remains volatile, impacting new and used cars

28 Apr 2022

The Swiss new-car market has been especially volatile in the past two years. Marked by lockdowns, closed dealerships, plant closures, and delivery problems due to a semiconductor deficit,...

Autovista24 webinar: Ukraine conflict will see new-car prices increase due to economic uncertainties

08 Apr 2022

The automotive industry is suffering further disruption as a result of the war in Ukraine. Carmakers are suspending joint ventures in Russia, while supply-chain issues lead to production...

Autovista24 webinar: Sales of new and used-electric vehicles to grow in 2022, but challenges abound

01 Feb 2022

While the automotive industry is on a fast track to electrification, questions remain about the strength and viability of electric sales in both new- and used-car markets. Every...

Webinar on demand – Automotive megatrends: the effect on used car markets

12 May 2021

Our panel of experts shed light on automotive megatrends and what they mean for used car markets over the next five years. Get insight on: Which of the...

Webinar on demand – Europe’s used car markets: recovery from Covid-19

23 Apr 2021

Hosted by a panel of Autovista Group experts, we explore in-depth the European used car market. Get insight on: Performance differences by age cluster – those segments that...

Webinar on demand: Electric vehicles – the remarketing risk

05 Feb 2021

Hosted by a panel of Autovista Group experts, we discuss what you should focus on in order to maximise the opportunities available and minimise the risk in your...

Webinar on demand: COVID-19 residual value impact: the year ahead

16 Nov 2020

Many European used car markets have been very resilient during the pandemic with demand outstripping supply, particularly for older used vehicles. Will used car markets expect more pressure...

Webinar on demand: COVID-19 residual value impact: where are we now

16 Sep 2020

What impact will COVID-19 have on vehicle residual values in Europe 2020-2022? With many European countries now easing lockdown restrictions, how have used car markets reacted? More importantly,...

Webinar on demand: What impact will COVID-19 have on vehicle residual values in Europe 2020-2022?

07 Jul 2020

What impact will COVID-19 have on vehicle residual values in Europe 2020-2022? With many European countries now easing lockdown restrictions, how have used car markets reacted? More importantly,...

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